Thursday, April 22, 2010

Welcome back to the Second term!!!!

It is hard to believe that Pesach is already so far behind us as we move forward towards Lag Ba'Omer and then of course Shavuos!!!

We are concentrating on the stories of Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in connection with Lag Ba'Omer. During one of first rings learning about Rabbi Akiva, the children were asked what shepards do, to which some of the children answered,"they shep!!!!"

We have done some crafts relating to Lag Ba'Omer and of course count the Omer every day, adding a new flower to "Har Sinai" when we do so. We have discussed what is prohibited to do during the Omer.

In connection to the Omer we are also concentrating on numbers this term. We are learning to recognise numbers and explaining basic number concepts.

We will also be concentrating on Body Image this term. We have already moved on from drawing just faces to now drawing faces with bodies and arms and legs. We are almost all drawing arms and legs coming out of our body and not our head now...a wonderful accomplishment!!! Please remember to look at the children's work in their individual folders on the wall ,as they are updated constantly!!!

We have also been drawing beautiful pictures of Har Sinai with flowers!!!

Autumn and the seasons is also on our agenda and we have had lots of fun discussing what activities can be done in each season!!!

We are working on our cutting and tracing skills too. The children traced their arrows for Lag Ba'Omer and then cut them out themselves, all doing as great job, before painting them!!!

We had a really exciting Aleph Bais treasure Hunt(see Pictures)!!!!
We have begun more formal Aleph Bais learning where the children will learn the letters in a one-on-one with me from a book and we look forward to moving forward at a steady pace PG!!!

As you can see we are very busy and having a really fun time at school, and we have not even mentioned soccer-fever which has hit our class. The children(especially the boys)love taking the soccer ball out during outside time and enjoy kicking (and throwing) the ball!!!! We will be beginning our "Soccer" Project soon, incorporating it into the concept of Ahavas Yisroel and how all different countries will come together to play together etc.!!!

Looking forward to hearing your feedback and if there is anything you need to discuss, please feel free to contact me!!!

Morah Nadine.

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