Monday, May 24, 2010


Wow!!!!!!! We cannot believe that Shavuos has already come and gone!!! We hope that you all enjoyed the crafts that we made and had much nachas from your kids when they answered questions on what we had learnt about Shavuos!!!!

We enjoyed learning about milchik foods and the difference between meat and milk! We were also treated to yummy milchik ice lollies on Erev Shavuos!!!!

Thank you for all sending fruit for our wonderful annual Bikkurim parade for Yad Aharon!! The children were all very excited to hand over the fruit that they had brought!!!What a wonderful mitzvah they all fulfilled!!!!

We have been spending a lot of time with both class and individual assessments leading up to our annual mid-year Parents Interviews. If there is anything you feel you would like to discuss with me beforehand, please feel free to contact me!! Our interviews will PG take place on Wednesday the 2nd of June at school between 2pm and 6pm. A schedule will PG be in the office from this Wednesday. Please fill in your name at the time slot you desire.

Soccer fever is most definitely in the air all around and at school!!!! Leading up to the start of the World Cup we will PG be learning about the wonderful country we live in. We will be learning about the different languages, food, cultures, money etc.If you have any soccer paraphernalia that you would like to send for us to hang up in our classroom, we would really appreciate it!!! We would love the children to wear their soccer school shirts on Friday!!!

If there is anything you would like to discuss with me please feel free to contact me!!!