Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Experiential learning about Pesach...

In order to bring Pesach to life, before going on to the playground yesterday, the Morahs explained that there would be a sensory table out with sand and water for the children to build bricks, just like the Yidden had to in Mitzrayim!

The children loved the experience. They worked together with Morah Adie's class, enhancing the depth of the experience. Here are snippets from the conversation that ensued between the 2 classes...

Morah: What are you building?
Batya Stern and Aviel: The Beis Hamikdash.
Eitan: This is the wet sand to make bricks.
Morah: Who made bricks?
Eitan: The Yidden.
Morah: Who told them to?
Eitan: Pharaoh.
Zahara: Because King Pharaoh made them work very hard.

Morah: What are you building now?
Zahara: A mountain. This is Ha Sinai (pointing to a smaller mountain) and this is the big mountain.
Asher:Look what we made!
Adin: My name is Adin. My surname is Avraham.
Zahara: My name is Zahara. My surname is Leah.

Berel: That's the watery sandpit.
Zahara: When I grow up I'm going to be a queen.
Aaron: When I grow up I'm gonna be a policeman with a gun! A real gun.
Zahara: But only shoot not real families just bad people.
Aaron: I'm gonna shoot Pharaoh.
Zahara: And Haman and all the Mitzrim.
Elisheva: Not Haman!
Zahara: Yes because he wants to kill all the Jews.
Yaakov Akiva: And he wants the Jews to bow down to him.
Aaron: Hashem doesn't want anyone to die?
Zahara: Only the Mitzrim!